New Year 2008

Master Morya says,

“Be at peace with your life. When you feel the beginning of important developments innerly, when you clearly feel ‘this is my choice’, then you are working on your life, but you are also integrating yourself in this earth’s life.

2008 can be a year of great developments in your own life, of agitation in and among peoples, of difficulties here and there, but you personally can be a pole of peace, of deep peace and of an enormous development. It is good to live your own life, and I will support each one of you. Within that support you will find My love, My warmth.

You too can live from out of the force of love, and do those things which are very important on this earth. Never give up and be courageous. Innerly you will unfold yourself increasingly because what is important will become more and more obvious and clear. You don’t have to make big efforts. Try to be honest towards yourself; you will be assisted in every direction. M.M.” © Geert Crevits

Dearest eNews reader,

This is the seventh time that Master Morya sends out a New Year’s wish through the eNews. Let your heart be filled with His wise words and His loving strength.

We would also like to take occasion to send our best wishes to all the people who receive this newsletter and take it to heart (and perhaps pass it on to others).

e-Regards from Geert, Lydia, Marie and Laura


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