November 2008


Full moon meditation 13th November 2008

Master Morya,

Try to fill your heart with goodness. Strive for clarity in your life. Don’t try too hard to do your best but try to be relaxed and live from out of that goodness which is yours. For in your heart you know that you can powerfully tackle issues which are difficult but that it isn’t your fate to have to endure everything which is happening in the world. Look how you can do enjoyable, good things, not just for yourself but for others as well. Speak wise words. Don’t say too much, but mean what you say. Be honest. In your heart you will feel that you are battling impossibilities, but in that battle, in that struggle, in that fight you can be yourself more than before. You shouldn’t feel like you are the victim of what the world wants. Look at how you can directly do important things and do them from the honesty of your heart, from the goodness of your being, from the possibilities of your existence. You aren’t someone who should just do anything in any direction, in any feeling. Make your feelings calm, be honest with yourself and be happy with what you can do.

Innerly, there might be some awkward moments, where you think, “I meant so well doing this and that, I meant so well by this and that person, and now all of a sudden a number of things are swept away so that I think that I don’t have any confidence in myself anymore.” It’s not good to question yourself. It’s not good to doubt your life. Because there are good things which can be done and it is sure that clarities can come within your striving. When you find some things which happen in circumstances difficult, don’t think that this is your life. But try to see through it and try to live your own life in a way that you feel, “I’m honest, I have always done my best and now I see this and that as possibilities for myself.” Some things can be pretty difficult, but don’t worry about it. It’s important for you to stay in that honesty and do useful things. Don’t think, “well, okay, nothing can be done about it anyway, this is a difficulty, I can’t get across it”, or “I see this happening in front of my eyes and I can’t find any answer to it”, or “these are issues which are pushed forward by society and I don’t know which position to take”, but still there are things in your own life which are very important and it is good to be calm and to go your own way confidently.

When others are suggesting things where you feel, “in my heart it isn’t like that”, then have the courage to follow your own heart and not what ‘they’ say. It is important for you to dare to believe in an inner dream/ideal, in a possibility for yourself, in a confidence where you feel “I suffered, I struggled, I did things which were hard, but now I’m pulling through because of myself.” It is important for you to do good things within that which you are striving for, because then you are blessed with good karma. In your heart you will feel that there is certain kind of struggle that others also know, but don’t be bothered by what is said and live your own life.

Several things have been difficult lately, don’t worry about them, you will see through the difficulties. It’s a question of being strong together and daring to show solidarity with people who are also doing good things. Don’t take the position of victim, but take up your responsibility and do good things. It’s important to be there for your children and for the people close to you so that you can and dare to live your life and that you really are working on good things. It’s important what you do, it’s important what you say.” Master Morya © Geert Crevits,


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