MAYIL eNewswww.down-and-feathers.netMaster MoryaMayil Publishing House

December 2012


Dearest eNews readers,

What remarkable times we live in! More than ever before, light is available for people here on Earth, for you and me, as water from a spring to catch with both hands and simply drink.

More than ever before the Masters are 'available' for people here on Earth, for you and me, as sources of light. But we need to hold our hands open, to keep our hearts open, because the Masters won't do it for us, it's up to us to say in all honesty: I want to drink from this source! E-regards from Lydia

Meditation for the 21st of December, 2012 and the Full Moon of December 28, 2012
(Excerpt from Morya course 41, Sept 2011)

Master Morya,

Your heart is light, your heart can be made pure. Your feelings can become noble and beautiful. Your intuitive knowledge can become more conscious; you are able to make more conscious choices. All these moments cannot happen simultaneously. That’s why life has been given to you, why time has been given to you. And yet there are gradations within this frame of time and within this age.

It’s no longer possible to experience certain things over and over and over again because entire areas have been made inaccessible; humankind must go forward. An inner awakening is needed and sometimes, without warning, people may be confronted with the consequences of what they have done wrong. Not fully, but partially, enough to make them realize that this can and must be done differently.

Each one of you is an important person, you are important people. I’m looking for people who are attempting to find an own equilibrium, who are becoming consciously aware of themselves and make room for others in their hearts. People who dare to live spiritually, who dare to tell themselves that they are spirit and truth, that they are love, that they are eternal, unlimited, not bound to time and space, people who are conscious peacemakers. Disciples, pupils, who have listened well to themselves, who have indeed discovered that life is worth fighting for.

There will be battles, but they should become battles fought out of love, struggles within the boundaries of existence and with the possibilities that have now been given to humankind. For in each frame of time God show us unique things. Entire nations are being awakened to become themselves. Master Morya

Copyright © Geert Crevits,



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