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Mayil Publishing House in Belgium has been publishing books by Master Morya since 1995. Most of our publications are in Dutch, but English translations are regularly being made available.
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Dearest eNews reader,
In His texts, Master Morya has the talent to both encourage and calm you down at the same time. Finding the golden mean, you might say, of being both active and serene within yourself; strong and peaceful at once. Isn't that what we all want? (...)
Master Morya,
"If you have the feeling, "This is important," then do that. Don't ask others what is important for you, but act from out of yourself and know that because you are learning your life is gaining in significance. You learn from life itself, and the knowingness of 'this is good and that other thing is not good,' is there within yourself. This is how perceptively you are capable of seeing, and everyone has this ability. ......
Geert Crevits, translated quote from Morya Wisdom book 5
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Geert Crevits, translated from Morya Wisdom book 9 (The abundant life), sentence from one of the online Life Lessons